
Download SaVi 1.6.0 (April 2023)
Download Geomview 1.9.5 (March 2014)

It can be easier to install a SaVi package rather than downloading and compiling this yourself. Instructions for compiling and running SaVi are given in SaVi's manual.

Local copies of the latest release:

If you are comfortable with compiling SaVi, you may wish to consider compiling the latest beta release of SaVi, with its added functionality, instead of the released code.

Draim tetrahedral constellation modelled in SaViDraim tetrahedral constellation coverage modelled in SaVi
Draim tetrahedral satellite constellation modelled in SaVi (video)

John E. Draim et al., Common-period four-satellite continuous global coverage constellations revisited,
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, vol. 143, pp. 667-686, January 2012.

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