Drawing satellite networks - satellite plot scripts
from Surrey | at SourceForge
These scripts allow you to draw topologies of satellite constellation networks with intersatellite links and paths taken by traffic on unprojected or polar
azimuthal equidistant maps of the Earth.
These were created for use with the satellite simulation functionality of
the network simulator ns-2,
as described in Chapter 17 of the
ns-2 manual,
or for use with anything else that outputs satellite and link endpoint coordinates using the same simple text format.
perl 5 and xfig 3.2 are required to run these scripts.
Download the gzipped tarball:
sat-plot-scripts1.2-release.tar.gz (233K), version 1.2, 30 April 2023.
development code: current SVN repository, older CVS repository.
Previous versions:
ns-sat-plot-113.tar.gz (124K), version 1.1.3, 11 August 2000.
ns-sat-plot.tar.gz (124K), version 1.0, 23 June 2000.
original unprojected-map scripts by Tom Henderson.
To cite these scripts when using them:
L. Wood and T. R. Henderson, satellite plot scripts, http://savi.sf.net/, 2023.
Plots from these scripts have been used in:
- Muin Bogari, Exploring the relationship between the growing number of satellites and space debris in low earth orbit, and people's perception of space debris environmental impacts, Master's thesis, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, May 2023.
- A. Boubaker, Performances des protocoles de transport dans les constellations de satellites, PhD thesis, University of Toulouse, France, May 2022.
- I. Aly Sadek Nazmy, Reliability Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Broadband Satellite Communication Constellations, Masters thesis, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, Indiana, August 2020 (Figure 2.1, misattributed).
- A. Boubaker, E. Chaput, N. Kuhn, J.-B. Dupé, R. Sallantin, C. Baudoin and A.-L. Beylot, On the impact of intrinsic delay variation sources on Iridium LEO constellation, WiSATS 2020, September 2020 (presentation, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-69069-4_18).
- A. Boubaker, On the impact of intrinsic delay variation sources on Iridium LEO constellation, slides, Sixteenth TéSA Scientific Seminar, 4 March 2020.
- X. Yang, Low earth orbit (LEO) mega constellations - satellite and terrestrial integrated communication network, PhD thesis, University of Surrey, November 2018.
- A. Boriboon, Optimizing Communication Utility of Routing Protocol for Satellite IP Networks, PhD thesis, Assumption University of Thailand, July 2017.
- A. Boriboon and S. Pongpadpinit, Optimized routing protocol for broadband hybrid satellite constellation communication IP network system, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, December 2016.
- A. Boriboon and S. Pongpadpinit, The COMMStellationTM Constellation for Broadband Communication System Model in NS-2, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, vol. 7, no. 10, October 2014, pp. 430-439.
- M. Nirmala and R. V. Pujeri, Performance of Transmission Control Protocol congestion control algorithms on Teledesic satellites constellations, Journal of Computer Science, vol. 10 issue 8, August 2014, pp. 1531-1542.
- L. Wood, Y. Lou and O. Olusola, Revisiting elliptical satellite orbits to enhance the O3b constellation, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, vol. 67, pp. 110-118, March 2014.
- M. Nirmala and R. V. Pujeri, Evaluation of TCP congestion control algorithms on different satellite constellations, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), December 2013.
- M. Nirmala and R. V. Pujeri, Performance of TCP Vegas, Bic and Reno Congestion Control Algorithms on Iridium Satellite Constellations, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 40-49, November 2012.
- Zongyang Luo, Routing and End-to-End Quality of Service in Satellite IP Networks, PhD thesis, University of Surrey, 2008, Fig. 3-5 p. 57.
- P. Trùckly and P. Bùran, Analysis and comparison of LEO and MEO satellite networks, proceedings of ELMAR 2007, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 239-242.
- Shaojian Fu, M. Atiquzzaman and W. Ivancic, Evaluation of SCTP for space networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 12 issue 5, October 2005.
- M. Grega, Ľ. Čopjan, S. Marchevský and S. Benċo, Possibility of Using Network Simulator (NS-2) for Modeling Satellite Networks, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, vol. 5, no. 4, 2005.
- T. R. Henderson, LEO Satellite Networks, Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, John Proakis (ed.) et al., vol. III pp. 1247-1256, Wiley, 2003. See Fig. 4 p. 1253.
- Y. Zhang (ed.), Internetworking and Computing over Satellite Networks, Kluwer Academic Press, ISBN 1-4020-7424-7, March 2003.
- L. Wood, Internetworking with satellite constellations, PhD thesis, University of Surrey, June 2001.
- L. Wood, G. Pavlou and B. G. Evans, Managing diversity with handover to provide classes of service in satellite constellation networks, Proceedings of the 19th AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC '01), Toulouse, France, April 2001.
- L. Wood, G. Pavlou and B. G. Evans, Effects on TCP of routing strategies in satellite constellations, Special issue on Satellite-Based Internet Technology and Services, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 172-181, March 2001.
Plots from the original scripts have appeared in:
- T. R. Henderson and R. H. Katz, Network Simulation for LEO Satellite Networks, 18th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), Oakland,
California, April 2000.
- T. R. Henderson, Networking over Next-Generation Satellite Systems, PhD dissertation, Computer Science Division, University of California at Berkeley, Fall 1999.
The example plots below on this page show the Teledesic 288-active-satellite constellation (Boeing design) at a point in time. You can see the different satellites and two ground terminals as well as
the different types of intersatellite links:
intraplane links, interplane links, cross-seam links as well as ground-to-space links.
You can select from a number of background maps or even generate new unprojected maps
using SaVi.
better living through geometry.